Facebook Tips

The #1 Facebook Tip Every New Company Facebook Page Owner Needs To Know

Posted on September 11th, by Kim Randall in Be Social, Facebook Tips, Social Media, Social Media Success, Social Media Tips. No Comments

When starting your company Facebook page, and especially during the early stages, it’s easy to want to invite everyone you know to “like” your page. We are taught that social media is a numbers game & the more likes we have, the better we will look to potential customers, the more sales we’ll make, and the more popular our company will be online.

The theory sounds amazing, but unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. Facebook’s algorithm only allows so much content to be seen by every account/person. Let’s be real for a minute. How many pages do you personally like? Probably quite a lot, huh? Facebook decides what to show you in your feed based on your actions with pages and personal accounts so why waste a view on someone that will forever stay a number, but probably never actually become … Read More »

Facebook: Force Unfollow For Better Organic Reach

Yep, you heard us right. We believe that you should consider investing a little time into cleaning up your Facebook page likes sometime in the near future  because contrary to popular belief, Facebook success is not actually measured by the number of accounts that like your page, it’s measured by the number of engaged accounts that interact with your content in the way you want them to.

(EXAMPLE: click to website, comment, use coupon code in store, etc…)

Here are some very easy steps complete with visuals on how you can force accounts, also known as dead likes, to unfollow your page and ultimately increase your reach efforts.

Step 1: Go to your business Facebook page


Step 2: Click on Settings.

Step 3: Click “People & Other Pages”.

Step 4: Start selecting accounts you wish to force … Read More »

Mistakes We’ve All Made On Facebook

We’ve all made mistakes when building our business pages on Facebook, we are no exception to this. It’s easy to follow suit because someone says something worked for them when in all reality 9 times out of 10 it’s a terrible suggestion. Trust us, we’ve experimented with almost every suggestion we’ve heard.

Here are some of the most common mistakes so many of us have made with our business pages on Facebook.

Not Posting To Your Facebook Page Regularly

Think of your Facebook page as a doorway and every day you don’t post some sort of engaging content that door continues to close…that’s honestly one of the best ways to describe what happens. It’s so easy to close that door, but the struggle is real when you’re trying to open it back up, so post daily, if you can. Your overall content reach will … Read More »

Never Stop Connecting With New People On Social Media Platforms

It’s easy to believe the old adage, “if you build it, they will come”. This couldn’t be further from the truth for social media….unless your name is Oprah. Part of your social media strategy should include weekly, if not daily, the task of seeking out new people to connect with. By doing this you are continually opening your brand up to fresh new eyeballs…that’s what you want anyway, right? You want to continually reach new, targeted social media users because then you have the ability to turn those connections into one of the following:

✏️ New customers

✏️ Brand advocates

✏️ Brand referrers

✏️ Brand supporters

These people could turn into some of the best advocates for your brand, wouldn’t you love that? It’s not as hard as you think to add this task to your daily or weekly social media routine especially when there … Read More »

Engagement Is Key For Businesses During The Holidays


We can’t preach it enough, social media engagement is king for all campaigns. It’s also the key to a successful holiday social media campaign. If all you do is post the same non-engaging, overly promotional content, potential customers will get bored. Think we’re wrong? Take off your business hat for a quick minute and think like a consumer. What content are you more likely to engage with? Ad-style postings or something more light hearted, and uber engaging?

*note: these ideas can be tweaked to work with any social platform. 

Here are some successful & highly engaging post ideas that can promote a brand while not being overly promotional:
Gift Cards

Take a picture of staff or customers holding your gift cards. Start your post by asking people to tag someone that would love to get that gift card for Christmas, or Hanukkah. Under that you can … Read More »

Make Social Media Great Again

Throughout the years social media has increasingly become anything but social when it comes to brands & businesses. Whether it’s due to lack of time or terrible advice, it seems that the social aspect has become a lost art. Take a look at Twitter and see for yourself. Your feed is bound to be filled with a ton of sales ads, purchase links, affiliate propositions, and partial Facebook fed posts.

It’s Time To Make Social Media Great Again

That’s right, it’s time we start getting back to being social, having real conversations, and building legitimate relationships online. It’s time brands and businesses start putting a little time and thought into engaging, and for the love of all things good in this world, it’s time to stop with the automated DMs, & LinkedIn messages.

How Do You Put the Social Back in Social Media?

We’re … Read More »

Facebook Adds Short Bio & Featured Pictures To Personal Profiles

Posted on October 22nd, by Kim Randall in Facebook Tips, Social Media Success. No Comments

Steps to update your Facebook:

1. Visit your profile on Facebook (not your newsfeed).

2. Follow the prompts.


3. Admire your awesome updates.

4. Tell a friend.

Your Like & Share Facebook Contest Won’t Work

All too often I see people sharing pictures on Facebook with the original message being “Like and Share for your chance to win….” Sounds perfectly easy, but it actually isn’t. Requiring anyone to share the post in exchange for an entry doesn’t always work. With so many customizable privacy settings you’re never going to see everyone who shared the post making those posts hidden and unknown. Not very fair to the clueless fans that just shared your post and promoted your page. Liking a post as an entry to win is OK, but still not the best option because when you’re announcing the winner you’re not able to tag them so they will not be alerted to their winning unless they are watching your page like a hawk.

How To Run An On Page Contest On Facebook

Require the entrants to comment to … Read More »

Facebook Announces Embeddable Video

Posted on March 25th, by Kim Randall in Facebook Tips, Social Media. No Comments

Today Facebook announced during their F8 Conference many things including changes to their Messenger app and a mobile app for advertising analytics…They also announced that video uploaded to Facebook will now have the ability to be embedded onto other websites, like this one.

This is extremely exciting to us here at KiMedia Strategies because many of our clients are seeing greater success with their video marketing strategies on Facebook than on YouTube. We know this doesn’t mean that Facebook will “kill” YouTube or really even slow it down, but we do think that for some businesses this could mean big things for their videos.


We want to know what you think about this. Are you happy that they are rolling this feature out or does it even affect your social media marketing strategy?

Is Your Brand Participating In #ThrowbackThursday?

Posted on January 29th, by Kim Randall in Facebook Tips, Google+, Social Media, Social Media Success, Social Media Tips. No Comments

It’s #ThrowbackThursday, is your brand participating? Some ideas:

– employee pics when they were babies or teens.
– the early days of the company.
– relevant throwbacks in your industry – who invented the first chicken wing…the first female attorney….etc…
– showcase clients or customers from years ago.

No matter what you choose to do make sure you’re participating in this highly engaged, viral trend using #ThrowbackThursday & #TBT on all social sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr…!

Here’s our #TBT: what the KiMedia Strategies office looked like in 2010, just starting out in the corner of Kim’s bedroom. To see how far we’ve come is amazing!