What Small Businesses Can Learn From The NBC Hit Show, Escape Routes

Posted on April 18th, by Kim Randall in Featured. No Comments

Escape Routes
is a tv show that airs on NBC Saturday evenings. The show features 6 teams of 2 that compete against each other to earn points and to ultimately win the entire challenge. The difference between this and something like MTV Road Rules is that they are also harnessing the power of Social Media in the competitions. Some competitions are physical and timed while others involve votes from “virtual” team mates. Ford escape routes

One of the teams, Ross and Brett, are YouTube vloggers and have already built a network prior to this competition giving them a head start when it comes to the virtual team mates. Other teams aren’t happy and find this to be extremely unfair. I loved listening to Brett and Ross explain why they should create a “strategy” only to get the response of “I don’t have time for that”.


If you could potentially win the entire challenge and all you had to do was build a strategy around the various platforms, would you do it?

I would, I have and I do!

This show/ challenge reminds me way too much of how many small businesses react to Social Media. They see other larger brands doing it, but because they can’t achieve what they believe is overnight success, they give up. Brett and Ross are the Oprah and Ashton of Escape Routes, they built their network before they knew they would ever participate in something like this. They worked hard to get where they are and now that work pays off.

The Strategy

Know who you need to be targeting, research where they are and build a strategy around their passions. Brett and Ross built their brands around YouTube where people want to see quirky videos. Brett went on to intern for the Shaytards who generate roughly 250k video views/ day per video uploaded. It’s paying off now that he needs votes and support.

Build now and the support will follow.

Focus, creativity, strategy and above all, engagement… These are your keys to Social Media success.


Small businesses really need to create a digital strategy Online because regardless if they believe they have the time, it’s where everyone seems to be. Don’t get bummed out because other brands have a larger following, they probably worked really hard offline for years to produce what they have today.

Find the time now or you’ll have nothing but time when people stop engaging your brand all together because you chose to not be where they are.

Contact us to see how we can help transform your image Online.

besocial [at] kimediastrategies [dot] com

(813) 421-4153 | (813) 516-4808

