About KiMedia Strategies
Our mission is to provide strategical, positive & unique social media strategies for our clients.
Founded in 2011, KiMedia Strategies focuses on creating unique Social Media Marketing campaigns keeping in mind that no two brands are the same. We work with brands and businesses around the globe providing excellence, uniqueness and most importantly results.
We are all extremely dedicated to researching new and effective tools and platforms that will enhance a clients social reputation and overall Online experience. We value and cherish each and every client we work with and promise to keep the “Social” in Social Media when managing accounts on their behalf.
We do not consider ourselves Social Media and Online Marketing experts or gurus because much like the Internet, our campaigns and strategies change daily making it hard to be an expert in a field that never stays the same. What worked yesterday may not provide the same results tomorrow. What we do well at KiMedia Strategies is learn, strategize and implement. Technology is ever changing and we will continue to evolve along with it.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to researching new and effective tools and platforms that will enhance a clients Social Reputation and overall Online experience. We value and cherish each and every client we work with and promise to keep the “Social” in Social Media when managing accounts on their behalf.
We do not consider ourselves to be Social Media and Online Marketing expert or guru because like the Internet, our campaigns and strategies change daily making it hard to be an expert in a field that never stays the same. What worked yesterday may not provide the same results tomorrow.
Kim Randall
Founder and Chief Social Addict
Kim Randall is a Social Brand Strategist, blogger, and passionate entrepreneur. She loves smart technology, innovative applications and all things social media.
Kim currently serves on the Board of Advisors for Hillsborough Community College’s Entrepreneurship Program in Tampa, FL.
– Eddy Tamayo, Director of Student Services at Keiser University
- Foursquare Day (Event coordinator 2010) – Foursquare Day is about demonstrating the power of social media. It started as an idea by a Tampa, FL Optometrist and quickly spread world-wide.
- Epic Thanks Tampa Bay (Event coordinator and lead of all Social Media efforts 2010) – Epic Thanks Tampa Bay is a volunteer organization that is raising funds for a local changemaker in Tampa Bay and for Epic Change.
- Dick Greco for Tampa Mayor campaign (Social Media strategy and management) – Worked with the integrated media team to help strategize the Online campaign. Created, maintained and successfully built the official Twitter, blog and LinkedIn and managed one of the Facebook Fanpages. Did live Tweeting from debates and events.
- Startup Weekend Tampa & Global Startup Battle (Co-organizer 2011, 2012, 2013 ) – Startup Weekend Tampa is an intense 54 hour event where a community of entrepreneurs, startup enthusiasts, developers, designers, marketing gurus and anyone interested in building a business come together over the course of a weekend to share ideas, form teams, and launch a startup. No Talk, All Action. Launch a Startup in 54 hours.
- Dialysis Ninja – Dialysis Ninja is a mobile application that is being created by Apps with a Purpose and the pediatric dialysis ward at Tampa General Hospital.
- Midlife Roadtrip #NUTS Chat – Kim is a frequent “Guest Therapist” for the crazy, fun Twitter chat held Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30 (eastern)
- Tampa Social Media Day (Co-organizer 2012, 2013, 2014) – Social Media Day is a global, yearly effort to celebrate the many social media platforms and tools that have changed our lives on June 30th.
- Charity Polo Classic (Social Media Chair 2014) – Non-profit polo tourney raising money for various Tampa Bay causes
- Beer & Bowties (co-organizer & co-founder) – Tampa local event raising money for The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay & bringing awareness to suicide prevention.
- Kim has been interviewed several times by Dr. Rus Jefferies on The Live Line, 1420 AM
– Newark, NY (WACK) - Kim was interviewed on “Roadtrip Radio” providing solutions to stay social while traveling.
- Kim was interviewed on “That Business Show with Jamie Meloni” (1250 WHNZ Tampa, FL)
Kim has also been featured in . . .
- Artistik Magazine’s Winter 2012 Edition – Building Your Brand
- EvanCarmichael.com – May 2012 Top 100 Branding Experts to Follow On Twitter
- Mashable.com – Tampa Officially Declares June 30th Social Media Day
- EvanCarmichael.com – July 2012 Top 100 Branding Experts to Follow On Twitter
- Melco USA
- Best Internet Marketing Secrets
- IZEA community spotlight
- MarketWatch: People Are Checking Twitter Before Naming Their Kids
- New York Post: Millennials Are Using Social Media To Name Their Kids
- CEO Blog Nation: 26 Entrepreneurs Explain What They Love About Being An Entrepreneur
- Kim was invited to speak on a panel at the 2nd Annual BOOM Your Business Expo in May of 2010 in Tampa.
- Kim has been invited to speak for the eMarketing Groups in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Brandon and New Port Ritchey on Twitter and Foursquare Strategies.
- Kim has been invited to speak for the Tampa Business Networking Life Meetup about Twitter Strategies
- In November 2010 Kim was invited to speak at a local TEDx event (TEDx PalmaCeia) – Changing the world and the connections we make with Social Media.
- March 2011, Kim was invited to speak on basic Social Media strategies for Professional women in the Insurance Industry
- In June of 2011 Kim shared some of her strategies and basic Social Media tactics for the Kiwanis in Oldsmar, FL
- October 2011 sat on a Social Media Talk panel at IADT for the Tampa Graphic Design Meetup group.
Courtney Alexander
Creative Goddess

consulting, graphic design, branding, identity, writing, and photography