Social Media
Successfully Running A Social Media Contest To Build Your Facebook Page Likes
If you own or manage a Facebook page I’m sure you’ve noticed that it’s getting harder to organically build it with new likes. One of the best ways to organically build up numbers is to host a social media contest with a prize worth winning. If done right this could be an enormous success, however if not you might be looking at a page inflated with dead likes.
What are “Dead Likes”?
Think of Dead Likes like dead weight. They are there and provide absolutely no value. They slow down the progress of the page, don’t interact and would never be a customer. When you have fans that don’t interact Facebook views it as your content isn’t good enough to engage with and decreases the number of people that actually see your posts through their newsfeeds.
How Do You Prevent Gaining Dead Likes … Read More »
Follow The Super Bowl Chatter Online With These Easy Tips
Super simple & straight to the point. Want to follow and chat along with other Super Bowl fanatics later on today on Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Facebook or any other hashtag capable site?
Two Hashtags you Need To Know
#SuperBowl – To join in the Super Bowl conversations.
#AdBowl – To talk about the commercials airing during the big game.
Arby’s Won The Internet and The Grammy’s
We’re not quite sure what the inspiration was for the hat Pharrell wore during the Grammy’s, but we’re sure glad he put it on because without it we wouldn’t have had the best Tweet ever from last nights awards show.
Hours later, possibly after consulting with Daft Punk, Pharrell responds…
What was your favorite moment of the Grammy’s?
Facebook Makes Some Drastic News Feed Changes
We know that there are Facebook users still using older versions of the news feed so this post may not apply to everyone, but those of you that are concerned that you’re not seeing all of your “friend” updates should really check these changes out. Page owners might want to spread the word so their fans will know how they can best receive their favorite page updates.
The new news feed
To the left you will have access to messages, pages you manage, ads manager and FB IM’s.
If you look to the right you will see a drop down menu. Click that and you might smile!
The menu drops down to give you news feed options
You can now see all fanpage posts on Facebook!
You are now able to see all images posted in … Read More »
Twitter Changes Newsfeed Page Design Slightly
We noticed that at some point in the last couple of hours Twitter rolled out a slightly newer design to their newsfeed.
Let’s not forget how Twitter looked in 2006
Or founder Jack Dorsey’s first Tweet!
We do love Twitter!
How long have you been Tweeting?
10 Tips To Generate More Views To Your Facebook Content
We’ve all heard the news and have had ample time to have individual and group pity parties. Some are petitioning online, others are just choosing to complain constantly and then there are people like us that have chosen to point out the positive. Let’s talk about creative strategies to increase engagement to your Facebook fanpages.
1. Tag your friends in updates that relate to them.
Have a picture update that you know some of your personal friends would like? Tag them in it to increase the virality of the post.
2. Ask questions.
Don’t just post links all the time. Ask questions on your page pertaining to your industry.
* Restaurants: Ask what their favorite special or meal is.
* Tech: Ask what their favorite gadget for 2013 has been.
*Industry specific: Ask tips they would give to other professionals.
Other ideas would be to ask what their … Read More »
Images Don’t Always Generate The Most Engagement On Facebook
If you read a lot of social media tips online you’ll notice that most are in agreement that images are the clear winner in the quest for better Facebook page engagement. We love to test theories and tips to see just how true they are and in this case… not so much. If you truly know the brand you are Facebooking for and truly know the audience you should be able to see comparable engagement with text, video and link posts as well. This isn’t easy though. You need to have an engaged audience. You also need to engage with your audience in order to receive continued engagement. It’s easy to share the latest Internet meme or craze and get likes. It’s also easy to buy 5,000 Facebook likes for $20, but we all know where both of those strategies … Read More »
Pinterest Might Help You Find The Perfect Gift For That Special Someone
Shopping this holiday season might be a little easier with the help of social media
If you’re looking for some holiday gift giving inspiration you might not be looking in the right place. What if we told you that you might have all of the answers to all of your questions just a click away? Does your best friend, Mom, significant other or sibling spend way too much time pinning their hopes and dreams away on Pinterest? Could it really be as simple as finding a Pinterest board of theirs that has everything they hope for? Could your holiday shopping quest really be that simple this year?
Check out this Pinterest board containing all sorts of gems that the “pinner” would love to have one day.
Some of these “pins” are actually linked directly to where the item can … Read More »
You Might Be Missing Updates On Facebook
Facebook has gone and done it again… They changed the way the newsfeed reacts to normal usage. One of the most frustrating things we’ve noticed is that Facebook toggles back to showing what they believe to be the “Top News” which could be as ridiculous as a post that one of your friends commented on that had received a ton of engagement. Now this is great for brands and individuals that are creating engaging posts, but it’s horrible when you’re looking to be updated with the most recent posts from pages and friends. A lot gets lost this way and although it was similar to this before, Facebook’s toggle to “Most Recent” seemed to stay and it didn’t revert back to “Top News” with every refresh of the page.
Here’s the easiest way to see the most recent content your connections … Read More »
Creating Content For Social Media Success
Our day began as it usually does, hustling to get content up for client accounts on Facebook, checking Twitter, making sure social ads are performing and grabbing sips of coffee in between page loads. The difference with today is that it also started with a follow up call with a client. We were discussing his social media progress, report status and the very important OTHER word that starts with an S… SEO. “Is this something you guys handle?” we were asked. Of course it is. In fact, a social media campaign
photo by Jakub Krechowicz
that includes a robust SEO strategy is huge in overall branding success online so long as your goal is to push people to a website, page or the like. So yeah… We can handle that, BUT we need something from you. We need more … Read More »