Social and Search
Creating Content For Social Media Success
Our day began as it usually does, hustling to get content up for client accounts on Facebook, checking Twitter, making sure social ads are performing and grabbing sips of coffee in between page loads. The difference with today is that it also started with a follow up call with a client. We were discussing his social media progress, report status and the very important OTHER word that starts with an S… SEO. “Is this something you guys handle?” we were asked. Of course it is. In fact, a social media campaign
photo by Jakub Krechowicz
that includes a robust SEO strategy is huge in overall branding success online so long as your goal is to push people to a website, page or the like. So yeah… We can handle that, BUT we need something from you. We need more … Read More »
Social and Search, Not Social or Search
Social Media is what makes all of us at KiMedia Strategies happy. It’s what we do, how we live and what we are extremely passionate about which is why we will be the first to admit that, although important, it isn’t the only Online marketing strategy you need to focus on.
Wait, did we just say you need more than just us?
Yeah we did, which is why we team up with the brilliant minds at Tropik Media to produce some of our most powerful campaigns.
Check out the infographic below to learn why Social and Search is where it’s at.
Don’t forget to check out our friends at Tropik Media (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google+)
Contact us for more information on how we can transform your brand Online (
(Infographic credit to MDG)