A Few Changes You Should Know About On Facebook

Posted on June 20th, by Kim Randall in Facebook Tips. No Comments

Facebook has been making some pretty great changes lately. Changes that could increase your marketing efforts and help you reach a whole new crowd of potential customers.

Hashtags on Facebook

Yes! Our hashtags on Facebook now do something more than just look silly. Think of all of the amazing searches you can do to see what people are talking about in relation to your brand.

FB hashtag 1

fb hashtags 2


Imagine what you could find by searching your company name like we did for one of our clients.

fb acrop hashtag


Picture Upload In Comments


You can now upload a picture as a comment to a post. How awesome is that? This is not available on pages yet.


fb pic in comments


Page Suggestions


These used to be hard to find, but are now nice and neatly placed to the right of your page where you would find upcoming birthdays and other information.

fb page suggestion


Are you happy to see any of these new features?
