2 iPad Apps Helping Companies Manage Multiple Social Accounts

Posted on August 6th, by Kim Randall in Social Media. No Comments

We are often asked how we are able to manage as many social profiles as we do for all of our clients. We use quite a few apps that help us monitor, manage, listen and update different social platforms allowing us the ability to quickly and efficiently take care of business. Here are two of our favorite applications:

Facebook Pages for iPad

Why we love this app: The minute someone interacts with a page we manage we are notified making our response time quicker than most.

facebook pages for ipad

Echofon for iPad

Just like the Facebook pages app, Echofon allows us to monitor and manage all Twitter accounts making it easy for us to switch between accounts keeping our response time low.

echofon for ipad

We are always on the lookout for apps that allow us to keep our campaigns social, just as they should be!

What apps do you use to help manage your day to day social media campaigns?
