10 Tips To Generate More Views To Your Facebook Content

Posted on December 17th, by Kim Randall in Be Social, Facebook Tips, Social Media, Social Media Success, Social Media Tips. No Comments

We’ve all heard the news and have had ample time to have individual and group pity parties. Some are petitioning online, others are just choosing to complain constantly and then there are people like us that have chosen to point out the positive. Let’s talk about creative strategies to increase engagement to your Facebook fanpages. 500x_facebook_macro_0

1. Tag your friends in updates that relate to them.

Have a picture update that you know some of your personal friends would like? Tag them in it to increase the virality of the post.

2. Ask questions.

Don’t just post links all the time. Ask questions on your page pertaining to your industry.


* Restaurants: Ask what their favorite special or meal is.

* Tech: Ask what their favorite gadget for 2013 has been.

*Industry specific: Ask tips they would give to other professionals.

Other ideas would be to ask what their fanpage URL is if you’re targeting businesses and other promotional encouraging questions.

3. Stop using 3rd party posting and scheduling tools.

It’s no secret that Facebook penalizes posts that are not organically posted via Facebook so why are we still relying on the Hootesuites of the social media world to do our posting from? This is a really simple fix… Seriously!

4. Host more on-page contests to encourage liking and commenting creating a more viral effect.

Contest apps are great and can do really awesome things, but really simple “comment on” and “like this for your chance to win…” contests really do work!

5. Log-in as the page and interact with other pages.

Don’t be stingy with your time. Facebook is a two-way street so get out there and start engaging with other pages as your page to increase visibility.

6. Piggyback off of other social media platforms.

Don’t continually feed the same posts for Twitter, but do increase visibility by encouraging people to check you out on Facebook.

7. Stop complaining and start doing!

That’s right. The more you sulk and hate Facebook the longer you’re going to be dealing with the issue. Instead focus on these tips and get creative coming up with some of your own strategies.


What Does Facebook Have To Say?

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Do you have any ideas you would add?
